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Coffee Cake & Culture 2021


As we start 2020 I thought it would be good to reflect on the year that was and the year that will be.

Every year CCC grows with exciting new projects. In 2019 I again gave a series of talks at the NSW Art Gallery on music inspired by the air, land and sea, gave six interviews with Sylvia Rosenblum at Eastside Radio about the lives and times of 7 composers ( series 5), continued lecturing at WEA and of course wrote new series for my home classes – finishing a look at six seminal compositions and series 11 which gives you a ‘how to’ guide at working out which period music belongs to.

I gave my biannual talk at the symposium Limmud Oz 2019 on the formation of the IPO ( Israel Philharmonic Orchestra), or originally the Palestine Orchestra. After giving this talk in Sydney and Canberra, the head of writing at NIDA thought the story would make a great movie and is currently spruiking the story in America looking for a producer! I think he is more excited by the prospect than I am!! But keep watching this space…

And in July I took my first music tour to Melbourne with Renaissance Tours. 19 people from all around Australia and New Zealand spent 5 days with me exploring cultural sites around Melbourne and in the evenings, we heard the incredible Vladim Gluzman (who I then met!) play Tchaikovsky’s violin concerto and Lang Lang play Mozart’s Piano Concerto No 24.

But 2020 looks to be even more exciting!

Being Beethoven’s 250th birthday, the year is definitely going to have a Beethoven feel about it. I am giving 3 talks at the Gallery in March (Thurs 12th, Thurs 26, Thurs 2 April) about how he dealt with his deafness, the aristocrats of the day and what his legacy is 250 years on.

In May I am part of a 3-person lecture group cruising from Amsterdam to Basel again with Renaissance Tours. This should be incredible. Not only will we be seeing some wonderful cities and hearing some incredible music, we also have musicians coming on board to perform. Christopher Lawrence, Thomas Abbott and I will be giving lectures and holding discussion groups throughout the cruise.

If you are interested in coming this is the link to the site.

In June I am taking another ‘short break’ tour to Melb with Renaissance hearing the MSO, the ACO and watching the Australian Ballet perform Anna Karenina.

Also keeping up with the times I am starting a podcast series this year with an wonderful lady named Susan Harvey which I am so so excited about. Once this is up and running there will be a link to the podcasts on my website.

But most excitingly for me, Coffee Cake and Culture turns 10 in 2020!!! And I promise we will be celebrating!

So thank you again for your support, guidance and love. I hope you have all had terrific summer despite the smoke and haze.

All my love



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